Wellbeyond combines ancient wisdom and modern research to help families cultivate health and mindfulness.
Start fresh, from the ground up, where it is safe to learn and discover.
After you strip everything away, what remains is love.
Cultivating kindness for yourself may lift a great burden and allow you to contribute to the world more freely and spontaneously.
Train your mind like you would train a puppy.
If your body were as scattered as your mind, you’d find pieces of it everywhere.
We were born to dance.
Routines help us know intuitively where we are in time, without even looking at a clock or a calendar.
Of course, it varies every moment. You could judge this quality on a scale of one to ten.
When you practice mindfulness, you can live deeply in the present moment.
Mindfulness is being sold as a miracle solution. Big Mindfulness is coming.